
Number of Questions: 40
Must be finished in one sitting. You cannot save and finish later.
Has a pass mark of: 65%

1. Which of the following would NOT be done as part of selecting a tool for an organization?


2. Use case testing is useful for which of the following?

P. Designing acceptance tests with users or customers.

Q. Making sure that the mainstream business processes are tested.

R. Finding defects in the interaction between components.

S. Identifying the maximum and minimum values for every input field.

T. Identifying the percentage of statements exercised by a set of tests.


3. Select the sentence that correctly explains the issue of using test techniques during the exploratory testing session.


4. How do experience-based techniques differ from black box techniques?


5. Which of the following is false?


6. What is a key characteristic of white box testing techniques?


7. Consider the following techniques. Which are static and which are dynamic techniques?

i. Equivalence Partitioning.

ii. Use Case Testing.

iii. Technical Review.

iv. Decision Table Testing.

v. Decision Testing.

vi. Inspections.


8. You test the program that takes a sequence of numbers as the input and returns these numbers sorted. Before you start your testing, you get the idea (without referring to any documentation) to check what happens, if you enter the empty set of numbers as the input. This is an example of which technique?


9. Reporting Discrepancies as defects is a part of which phase:


10. Consider the following list of either product or project risks:

I. An incorrect calculation of fees might shortchange the organization.

II. A vendor might fail to deliver a system component on time.

III. A defect might allow hackers to gain administrative privileges.

IV. A skills gap might occur in a new technology used in the system.

V. A defect-prioritization process might overload the development team. Which of the following statements is true?


11. Select the right relation between quality assurance, quality control, and testing.


12. Consider the following statements about maintenance testing:

I. It requires both re-test and regression test and may require additional new tests.

II. It is testing to show how easy it will be to maintain the system.

III. It is difficult to scope and therefore needs careful risk and impact analysis.

IV. It need not be done for emergency bug fixes.

Which of the statements are true?


13. What can we be sure about, if we achieved 100% statement coverage of a given code?


14. Which of these is a functional test?


15. Choose the correct sentence about the developer’s and the tester’s mindsets.


16. Which of the following is the task of a Tester?

i. Recommending the budget for tool selection.

ii. Prepare and acquire Test Data

iii. Implement Tests on all test levels, execute and log the tests.

iv. Create the Test cases


17. Which of the following is the most important difference between the metrics-based approach and the expert-based approach to test estimation?


18. System test execution on a project is planned for eight weeks. After a week of testing, a tester suggests that the test objective stated in the test plan of ‘finding as many defects as possible during system test’ might be more closely met by redirecting the test effort according to which test principle?


19. Why are static testing and dynamic testing described as complementary?


20. Of the following statements about reviews of specifications, which statement is true?


21. Which of the following is true of the V-model?


22. Consider the following excerpt of a document:

The following metrics should be collected:

  1. Number of defects found, split by defect type and detection phase
  2. Time to repair (for each raised bug)
  3. Number of test cases planned, designed, implemented, executed, automated
  4. Test results for each test run (passed, failed, blocked, not executed)

This is an example of a part of which document?


23. Bank fee is 0% for balance less than 500 $, 2% for less than 1000 $, and 4% for 1000 $ or more. Which test inputs in $ would be selected using BVA?


24. Purchase discount is 0% for up to 500$, 5% is added for each additional 500$ up to 2000$, and 25% is applied for above 2000$. Which test inputs in $ would be selected for equivalence partitions?


25. Which of the following is an organizational success factor for reviews?


26. Put the test cases that implement the following test conditions into the best order for the test execution schedule, for a test that is checking modifications of customers on a database.

  1. Print modified customer record.
  2. Change customer address: house number and street name.
  3. Capture and print the on-screen error message.
  4. Change customer address: postal code.
  5. Confirm existing customer is on the database by opening that record.
  6. Close the customer record and close the database.
  7. Try to add a new customer with no details at all.

27. A test plan included the following clauses among the exit criteria:

# System test shall continue until all significant product risks have been covered to the extent specified in the product risk analysis document.

# System test shall continue until no must-fix defects remain against any significant product risks specified in the product risk analysis document.

During test execution, the test team detects 430 must-fix defects prior to release and all must-fix defects are resolved. After release, the customers find 212 new defects, none of which were detected during testing. This means that only 67% of the important defects were found prior to release, a percentage which is well below average in your industry. You are asked to find the root cause for the high number of field failures. Consider the following list of explanations:

I. Not all the tests planned for the significant product risks were executed.

II. The organization has unrealistic expectations of the percentage of defects that testing can find.

III. A version-control issue has resulted in the release of a version of the software that was used during early testing.

IV. The product risk analysis failed to identify all the important risks from a customer point of view.

V. The product risk analysis was not updated during the project as new information became available.

Which of the following statements indicate which explanations are possible root causes?


28. Which of the following combinations correctly describes a valid approach to component testing:

i) Functional testing of the component in isolation.

ii) White box-based testing of the code without recording defects.

iii) Automated tests that are run until the component passes.

iv) Functional testing of the interfaces between modules.


29. A company recently purchased a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) application to automate their bill-paying process. They now plan to run an acceptance test against the package prior to putting it into production. Which of the following is their most likely reason for testing?


30. Which of the following is an advantage of independent testing?


31. Consider the following statements about regression tests:

I. They may usefully be automated if they are well designed.
II. They are the same as confirmation tests (re-tests).
III. They are a way to reduce the risk of a change having an adverse effect elsewhere in the system.
IV. They are only effective if automated.

Which pair of statements is true?


32. Consider the following statements

i. A defect may be closed without being fixed

ii. Defects may not be raised against documentation

iii. The final stage of defect tracking is fixing

iv. The defect record does not include information on test environments

v. Defects should be raised when someone other than the author of the software performs the test


33. According to the ISTQB Glossary, debugging:


34. You are responsible for the functional testing of the new mobile application for tourists.

The application allows a user to plan a route, modify it, read info about the monuments, etc. All these functional requirements are documented in the form of use cases. Together with your team, you are planning to perform a review of the application regarding its functionality. Which review type will probably be the most beneficial in this case?


35. Which of the following are benefits and which are risks of using tools to support testing?

  1. Over-reliance on the tool
  2. Greater consistency and repeatability
  3. Objective assessment
  4. Unrealistic expectations
  5. Underestimating the effort required to maintain the test assets generated by the tool
  6. Ease of access to information about tests or testing
  7. Repetitive work is reduced

36. In a checklist-based approach, a checklist used by a tester may include:


37. Given the state diagram in following Figure, which test case is the minimum series of valid transitions to cover every state?


38. A system calculates the bonus for airplane pilots. The bonus is based on the total number of flying hours, which is the sum of the number of hours on a flight simulator and the number of hours on regular flights. The business rules R1–R5 for admitting the bonus are presented in the following decision table.

Which of the following sets of test inputs is a minimal set that achieves the equivalence partitioning coverage for the output value? Assume each test input is a pair (s, f ), where s denotes the simulator hours and f—flight hours.


39. Test Implementation has which of the following major tasks?

i. Developing and prioritizing test cases, creating test data, writing test procedures and optionally preparing the test harnesses and writing automated test scripts.

ii. Creating the test suite from the test cases for efficient test execution.

iii. Verifying that the test environment has been set up correctly.

iv. Determining the exit criteria.


40. From a Testing perspective, what are the MAIN purposes of Configuration Management?

i) Identifying the version of the software under test.

ii) Controlling the version of testware items.

iii) Developing new testware items.

iv) Tracking changes to testware items.

v) Analyzing the need for new testware items.


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